Producers and Guest Directors can mute and unmute guests remotely during a session from Socialive Studio and in the Green Room, respectively. When you remotely mute or unmute a guest, they will be muted to all other participants, as well as in the session. However, they will still hear other unmuted participants, Guest Directors, and the producer. This is great for removing background noise when there are multiple guests in the Green Room.
Note: Producers and Directors will not be able to mute guests who join the session from the Socialive iOS mobile app. The mute button will appear grayed out. This functionality will be available in an upcoming mobile app update.
This feature is only available to Producers from Socialive Studio and guests with the Director role in the Green Room.
Producers: Muting/Unmuting Guests from Socialive Studio
In Socialive Studio, under the Live Sources tab on the left panel, hover over a guest's video feed, and click the Microphone icon on the bottom-left corner to mute or unmute the guest.
A pop-up will appear. Click Mute/Unmute Mic to confirm the action.
The microphone icon turns red, and the guest is now muted/unmuted.
Directors: Muting/Unmuting Guests from the Green Room
In the Green Room, hover over a guest's video feed and click the Microphone icon to mute or unmute the guest.

What Happens When a Guest is Muted
Regardless of whether a guest mutes themselves or are remotely muted by a Producer or Director, guests will see the following changes in the Green Room:
A notification pop-up stating they were muted or unmuted by the producer or a director (the name of the Producer or Guest Director will appear on the notification).
The microphone icon at the bottom of the Green Room will appear muted.
Their video feed will show a red muted microphone icon to the left of their nameplate, so other guests in the Green Room can see they are muted.
Producers will see the following changes in Studio:
The red mute icon will display when anyone is muted (either by themselves or a guest director).
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